Saturday, April 19, 2014

vs. Valentina Madison


The bald headed charismatic self-proclaimed Most Loved Man on the Planet steps into the view of the camera in front of a Chase Global logo.  Behind the energetic, yet annoying man is a table full of Chase Global merchandise.  He wears a grayish suit and dress pants over the top of a black dress shirt.

Leviticus: Today is half off day at the Chase Global Shop!  That means for every product you buy at regular price, you get another like it for three times the price!  Does that make sense?  Well it doesn’t have to because sheep like you just has to buy our products!

He reaches over to the table, picks up a plush sheep and tosses it at the camera.

Leviticus: This sheep represents the many individuals, like you yourself watching at home, who do not understand the greatness of these fine products behind me!

The lovely blonde creature, also known as his wife Caitlyn Perry-Craig, steps into the scene wearing jeans and an Alana Starr t-shirt.

Leviticus: Or maybe you want this brand spanking new Alana Starr t-shirt!  You will never be as GOOD a person as Alana but you can come close with this t-shirt!

Caitlyn walks back off the scene.  Levi reaches over to the table again and picks up a Gavin Taylor plushie.

Leviticus: Gavin Taylor made Chase Global possible.  Without our Team Captain we would be nothing.  So we now memorialize him with this plushie!  Buy one get the second at triple the retail price!

The bald man tosses it off set.

Leviticus: Ok, time to say the obligatory match trash talk!  Um, let’s see, Valentina Madison sucks, she does nothing but start shit on twitter but can’t back anything up, she is too big for her britches…

He looks off camera.

Leviticus: Hey, Cait!  Can you think of anything I missed?

Caitlyn: Nope!

Leviticus: Excellent!

VICTORY WILL BE MINE!  For I am greater than a Roman gladiator and Ms. Madison is nothing more than a mere Roman slave girl compared to my manly gladiatorial awesomeness!  Nothing can stop me!  Not hungry man eating lions!  Not an arena full of bloodthirsty heathens who want me dead!  Not even Valentina Madison!

Oh and she’s a horse!

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