Friday, August 1, 2014

It's A Trap

LevitiCorp Studios Presents
In Association With Porno Lad Production and The Church of Alana Starr
An Ethan Von Aaron Production
Directed by a smoking hot chick with big boobs



Levi Timothy Craig, aka: Leviticus
Caitlyn Perry-Craig
Admiral Akbar (IT’S A TRAP!)

Casting by The Official IWC Dalek
Music Composed by Adam Chase
Production Designer: Yo’ Momma

“Frosty The Snowman!  As Jolly As He Can Be!”

Our scene opens to see the young, manly, and courageous hero Levi Timothy Craig, better known to mortal man as Leviticus, building a snowman out in his front yard with his son, Levi Jr.

Leviticus: Isn’t this a wonderful way to spend the afternoon?  Playing in the snow!  Building snowmen!  Watching the beautiful ice sickles forming on the trees…

Levi Jr: IT’S A TRAP!

Our heroic hero and savior of humanity furrows his brow.

Leviticus: Trap?  What is a trap, young Levi?

Levi Jr: IT’S A TRAP!

“This whole match between you and “Iceman” Eric Sailes.”

The pair turn to watch as Levi’s wife, the stunningly stunning Caitlyn Perry, walks into view carrying one half of the IWC Tag Team Title belts.

Leviticus: Lovely wife whom I cherish and adore!

The pair meet up and exchange kisses.

Levi Jr. IT’S A TRAP!

Caitlyn smiles warmly as she leans down and pats him on the head.

Caitlyn: Hello, Junior!

Leviticus: I see my agent is here to visit!

He pats the title belt.

Leviticus: Hi there, Herbert!

Herbert: …

Leviticus: Whoa, whoa, whao!

Levi laughs out loud as he holds his hands over Junior’s ears.

Leviticus: Halt with the dirty jokes, Herbert, there are children present!

Levi Jr. IT’S A TRAP!

Herbert: …

Leviticus: It’s ok, big guy!  But tell me, what kind of big opportunities await me if I defeat Sailes?

Herbert: …

Leviticus: Well what is it then?  Let me guess…if I beat him, I get a world title shot!

Herbert: …

Leviticus: No?  Hmmm…ok, if I beat Sailes I get an Evolution title shot?

Herbert: …

Leviticus: No?  Do I get a bathroom break?

Herbert: …

Leviticus: WHAT!  That’s preposterous!  That’s outrageous!  That’s…

Caitlyn: True, dear…it’s true.  If you defeat Sailes, IWC will give you a roll of toilet paper.

The Most Loved Man on the Planet stares incredulously at Herbert.


Herbert: …

Levi Jr. IT’S A TRAP!

Leviticus: No son…

He takes the title belt and throws it as hard as he can off screen.

Leviticus: IT’S A PIECE OF JUNK!

“Don’t hurt Herbert!”

Kordelia Price runs on screen and then off screen again, chasing after her “husband.”  Following closely behind is Ethan Von Aaron…


Ethan stops in the middle of the screen and turns to face the camera, realizing he is on screen.

Ethan: Hi there, Sailes.  My name is Ethan Von Aaron, associate of Leviticus, and my client Alana Starr deserves a title shot!  Oh and I’ve had sex with more women than you!

Ethan turns and runs off screen.

Caitlyn: That was rather…

Leviticus: Random?

Caitlyn: Yes.

Leviticus: Well, let’s get to something not so random.  Like my promo!  Ok, let’s see, where do I start?  Snowman jokes?

Caitlyn Perry shakes her head.

Caitlyn: No…it’s been done to death.

Leviticus: What about…

Caitlyn: No…way to offensive…

Leviticus: But that just leaves me with…

Perry nods her head.

Caitlyn: That’s right sweetie.

Levi Jr.: IT’S A TRAP!

The Afternoon Planet growls.

Leviticus: Whatever…

He faces the camera with a look of intensity.